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 Facebook Tops Social Login Preferences
Though people use a variety of social channels to log in to third-party websites, Facebook still dominates social login, according to a report by Janrain.

Facebook accounted for 45% of social logins in the first quarter of 2012, followed by Google with 31%:


Twitter and Yahoo each accounted for 9% of social logins during the quarter, while LinkedIn and a few other sites accounted for the remaining 3%.

Below, other findings from Janrain's Social Login and Trends Reports, based on data collected from Janrain's Engage platform in the first quarter of 2012.

Two-Year Trends

Facebook's share of social logins has increased steadily over the past two years. Google's share declined moderately during the first three quarters of 2011, but rebounded slightly (2%) from 4Q11 levels as of 1Q12, likely because Google+ rapidly scaled users and adoption, according to the report:


In the mobile space, Facebook's lead is stronger, accounting for 49% of mobile social logins in 1Q12, followed by Google with 25% and Twitter with 14% of mobile social login share.

Twitter's improvement in popularity on mobile devices is likely due to its integration with Apple iOS 5 for social login, which has encouraged mobile users to rely on Twitter as an authentication mechanism for portable devices, according to Janrain.

About the data: Findings are based on the analysis of online users across 365,000 websites via the Janrain Engage platform during the first quarter of 2012

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